We provide pest control services in Cape Town and surrounding areas to the following industries

What are the terms of our Pest Control Service Agreement and what you, our client, must expect and insist in getting from your PestGo service?
Broadly speaking, our Pest Control Service Agreement is an undertaking by PestGo to eradicate a pest(s) in specified areas of your premises without putting you or your customers at risk of damage, and in agreed terms, specifying principally the duration of the agreement, the number of visits to be made and the price for the work. It is PestGo’s obligation to provide you no less than has been agreed upon and to undertake more treatments if necessary, to use the most efficient pesticides available and conforming always with national or local legislation on pesticide use, and respecting always the safety of all personnel.
Regular and pre-arranged visits and inspections by our Pest Control Operator will be carried out at the recommended frequency. On each visit our P.C.O. will conduct a thorough inspection and survey. This first step to effective pest control involves the assessment of the problem and identification of the causative organism(s) leading to the planned action to be taken. Good inspection means good detection work. All visits will be documented in our Treatment Report, a copy of which will be left with you.
Supplementary visits and inspections may be necessary and these of course will be done at no extra charge to you provided they fall within the scope of our Service Agreement. These visits, usually instigated by the client, may be necessary if fresh signs of pest activity are noticed in the intervening period between our regular calls. These emergency visits will be carried out as promptly as possible and in any case within 48 hours of receiving the report.
While surveying your premises for pests specified in our Service Agreement, our Pest Control Operator will be alert for evidence of other pests, and if such evidence is found, he/she will render the findings to you verbally or in writing, as well as giving further advice and offering recommendations on how to deal with the new problem.
Preventive Pest Control involves measures taken by management especially those concerned with catering, food manufacturing and warehousing, to deny the entry of pests and their subsequent establishment in buildings. The objectives are to make buildings inaccessible and unattractive to pests and to provide conditions which allow the easy and swift detection of pests should they gain entry, allowing eradication to be carried out easily.
Many different activities make a contribution to these objectives; among the most important are attention to perimeter areas, proofing, inspection of incoming materials from suppliers, transport depots, and returned goods. They include also considerations of building structure, cleaning, housekeeping, storage and above all management attitude.
If our Pest Control Operator discovers anything in your premises which encourages pests and hampers our efforts of control, he will bring the matter to your attention and document it in our Treatment Report.
Control or Eradication? The term pest control is often misunderstood. All our methods are designed to eradicate pests as speedily as consideration of safety will allow. However, because of the ever present likelihood of the re-infestation, we cannot guarantee you will ever see another pest. This is why our pest control service is based on carrying our regular inspections and treatments. Normally, we will be able to clear existing infestation in the first few treatments, after which we will endeavour dealing with re-infestation before the pest is able to multiply and before you are even aware of the new outbreak.

On each visit to your premises our P.C.O. will conduct a thorough survey and employ all his/her available skills and techniques in the treatment against pests covered by the scope of our agreement.
The P.C.O. will record in his/her report details of any pests detected. He/she will also draw to your attention to any conditions that are hindering control measures or that increase the risk of your premises being infested. Your careful attention to all recommendations given, will provide invaluable assistance in keeping your premises pest-free.
Experience has shown that the best pest control results are achieved where there is close collaboration between our clients and ourselves.